
A Land of Happiness-2019 Treasure Hill Light Festival
☆ 藝術家 Artists//
人嶼 Legacy Lab International
李承亮 LI Cheng-Liang
衍椼 Yanyen
莊知恆 CHUANG Chih-Heng
許唐瑋 HSU Tang-Wei
郭奕臣 KUO I-Chen
陳韻如 CHEN Yun-Ju
蕭聖健 HSIAO Sheng-Chien
奧爾加.蒂亞戈 Olga DIEGO
瀧健太郎 Kentaro TAKI
磯崎道佳 Michiyoshi ISOZAKI
「輕量級」-跨校協作工作營 Light Weight-Crossing Universities Work Camp
萬福國小 WanFu Elementary School
微景設計 TinyScene
★ 藝術總監 Art Director//李曉雯 Catherine LEE
★ 策展人 Curator//李依樺 LEE I-Hua
★ 地點 Venue//寶藏巖國際藝術村 Treasure Hill Artist Village
★ 展期 Exhibition Dates//2019.3.30(Sat.)-5.5(Sun.)
★ 英文資訊 More Info//https://reurl.cc/EGODR
□□野景開幕派對 Opening Party□□
#寶藏巖光節 X Simple Life簡單生活
■開幕式 Opening■
地點 Venue/綠野地 Picnic Field
3.30(Sat.) 17:30-18:00
■音樂演出 Live Band■
地點 Venue/綠野地 Picnic Field
3.30(Sat.) 18:00-18:40
地點 Venue/綠野地 Picnic Field
3.30(Sat.) 19:20-20:00
||Ti Cemelesai Ata Salasaladj(阿新與他的朋友們)||
地點 Venue/山城廣場
3.30(Sat.) 14:30-15:00
地點 Venue/山城廣場
3.31(Sun.) 17:00-17:30
地點 Venue/綠野地 Picnic Field
3.31(Sun.) 18:00-18:40
巴奈 給孩子們,非核家園
柯智棠 Kowen
五五身 Fiftybodyfifty
■簡單市集 Simple Market■
地點 Venue/寶藏巖國際藝術村 Treasure Hill Artist Village
3.30(Sat.) 13:00-21:00
3.31(Sun.) 13:00-21:00
5.4(Sat.) 13:00-21:00
5.5(Sun.) 13:00-21:00
Simple Life簡單生活
■《痕跡-系列二》 Trace Series II■
☆ 藝術家 Artist/林安琪 Anchi LIN
地點 Venue/邊境71號展間 Frontier Gallery No.71
3/30(Sat.) 16:00-17:00
□□野景-光之大笑漫才 Manzai Stand-up Comedy□□
☆ 演出團隊 Actor/魚蹦興業 Yubon Shin Yeh
地點 Venue/山城排練場(上)Treasure Hill Atelier (Upper)
3.30(Sat.) 15:00 & 19:30
3.31(Sun.) 15:00
4.20(Sat.) 15:00 & 19:30
4.21(Sun.) 15:00
4.27(Sat.) 15:00 & 19:30
4.28(Sun.) 15:00
● 票價 Fee/每場新臺幣650元整(含漫才演出與胭脂特製光節茶點一份),購票請洽年代售票系統:https://ppt.cc/fcIpkx
□□野景食堂 Eat & Talk□□
地點 Venue/涼棚 Close to Treasure Hill Community Grocery Store
Speaking of Taiwanese art scene from the experience of Polymer art space
4.20(Sat.) 13:00-15:00
☆ 食堂主人 Host/黃偉倫 HUANG Wei-Lun (Frank)
空場 Polymer
Reviewing the past and looking forward to the future of Treasure Hill Village
4.20 (Sat.) 16:00-18:00
☆ 食堂主人 Host/李明俐 LEE Ming-Li
☆ 特別嘉賓 Special Guest/詹智雄 CHAN Chih-Hsiung
● 票價 Fee/每場新臺幣200元整(含座談與寶村居民一同製作潤餅享用,購票請洽Accupass 活動通售票系統:http://www.accupass.com/go/eatandtalk
□□野景影展&展覽 Cinema & Exhibition□□
■#寶藏巖光節 X Giloo紀實影音■
地點 Venue/防空洞 Shelter
野景影展/3.30(Sat.) 13:00-21:00
☆ 片單 Movie List/
13:00-14:30 癲狂建築:庫哈斯(湯瑪斯・庫哈斯|2017|72 min|美國)
15:00-16:30 搖搖晃晃的人間(范儉|2017|88 min|中國)
17:00-18:30 再見地下布魯克林(馬修・康柏|2016|83 min|美國)
19:00-20:30 伊勢神宮:山海的千年迴響(宮澤正明|2015|79 min|日本)
□□黃昏市場-微聚加班特賣會 Flea Market□□
地點/寶藏巖國際藝術村 Treasure Hill Artist Village
4.26(Fri.)-4.28(Sun.) 16:30-21:00
☆ 參與單位/寶藏巖微型群聚單位(不歸鹿、胭脂、両天工作室、尖蚪、Yinke、17做作金工工作室⋯等。)
17做作/17 work
■自然群像 The Flocked Scene of Nature■
地點 Venue/歷史斷面 Historical facades
☆ 藝術家 Artists/
張國鎮 CHANG Kuo-Chun
姚仲涵 YAO Chung-Han
王連晟 WANG Lien-Cheng
王新仁 WANG Hsin-Jen
莊志維 CHUANG Chih-Wei
呂兆民 LU Chao-Ming
輕量級//Light Weight
□□展覽理念 Curatorial Statement□□
text / Lee I-Hua
In the 60s, people built their own houses in Gongguan, Taipei in order to survive, and in a time when financial and material resources were lacking, Treasure Hill, a village where people settled in to have their everyday needs met, emerged. Originally, this settlement embodied people’s anticipations for a life lived blissfully, and the landscape that surfaced was wild and primal; it was where life grew organically, and where people worked hard to survive.
The breathtaking wild view at Treasure Hill represents the most realistic, pure, and primal strive for a better life, and because of people’s appreciation for beautiful cultural heritage, vision for a landscape enriched with culture, a sense of care for tenure rights of land and human rights, and trust in fairness and justice, many fervent acts of protest for safekeeping and preservation have taken place here on the Treasure Hill.
Artists have created speckles of light for the 2019 Treasure Hill Light Festival on this fascinating wild landscape, and extending from these glimmers are imaginations that juxtapose with the paradoxes found in modern society's civil and primal qualities. Upon entering into the village, I search in the crowd for a hundred, a thousand times by artist collective Yanyen takes people on a stroll through the village, carefully pointing out the lampposts scattered throughout the settlement and the view unfolding along with each step. With industrial development came bustling city life, with natural views slowly replaced. A full moon is projected by Hsiao Sheng-Chien inside a house on Treasure Hill, and the rather low-tech approach allows the artwork to echo with nature’s singing insects and birds. The artworks by Legacy Lab International and Olga Diego are also prompted by concerns for our natural environment, which have resulted in an artificial landscape with a cascading neon waterfall using plastic objects and items gathered from recyclable waste, and a plastic playground with an inflatable electronic installation with glittering lights. Erected on the Pagoda Plaza is The Wannian Station, a broadcasting system stage modified by Li Cheng-Liang from a spherical water tank. People are invited to climb on top of the artwork, as if they were climbing atop a space station parked on the rooftop, where they could sing or dream and fantasize. Projected on the sheet metal house on the side is Lose Contact-Night, where Kuo I-Chen explores mankind’s estranged relationship. A dialogue is formed with the state of detachment in modern life explored in The Wannian Station by Li, and the air-raid shelter in the back seems to have transformed into a wormhole that leads to a mysterious base in the great cosmos. Real emotions have become more ambiguous with the advent of artificial intelligence. Applying face tracking and on-line game in their creations, Chen Yun-Ju and Kentaro Taki present their interpretations of what is happening in contemporary society with people being abducted by technology.
Situated in Treasure Hill’s innermost section is Iridescent Tree: Fruit Planet by Hsu Tang-Wei. The two peculiar planets in the artwork are primal and full of vitality, as they gaze out and connect with the large transparent tent that Michiyoshi Isozaki has set up at the entrance of the settlement, and inside of one of the houses in the village, Chuang Chih-Heng created traces of light memorizing the life story of local inhabitants. In this vivid and splendid landscape is a surge of life that is entwined with destiny’s ferociousness, as it continues to grow, instinctively. As time and society progress, emotions, concerns, and realities move forward through ironic syncopations. As the primitive and the civil coexist, the meaning of this land is intermingled and shaped, and contained in this rich wild landscape - a land of happiness is the anticipation we hold for life.
★ 指導單位 SUPERVISOR:文化部、臺北市政府
★ 主辦單位ORGANIZER:台北市文化局、台北市文化基金會
★ 策劃執行 EXECUTIVE:寶藏巖國際藝術村
★ 開閉幕聯合策畫 Opening & Closing Events Co-programming:簡單生活
★ 指定贊助 APPOINTED SPONSOR:艾瑪絲、微景設計工作室
★ 贊助單位 SPONSOR:B&G 德國農莊 Tea Bar、西班牙瓦倫西亞社區博物館協會
★ 協力單位 PARTNER:魚蹦興業、giloo紀實影音、實踐大學、實踐大學建築設計學系、國立臺北藝術大學、國立臺北藝術大學新媒體藝術學系、國立臺灣大學、臺大土木工程學系、今藝術、藝術家雜誌社、The Big Issue Taiwan
A Land of Happiness-2019 Treasure Hill Light Festival
☆ 藝術家 Artists//
人嶼 Legacy Lab International
李承亮 LI Cheng-Liang
衍椼 Yanyen
莊知恆 CHUANG Chih-Heng
許唐瑋 HSU Tang-Wei
郭奕臣 KUO I-Chen
陳韻如 CHEN Yun-Ju
蕭聖健 HSIAO Sheng-Chien
奧爾加.蒂亞戈 Olga DIEGO
瀧健太郎 Kentaro TAKI
磯崎道佳 Michiyoshi ISOZAKI
「輕量級」-跨校協作工作營 Light Weight-Crossing Universities Work Camp
萬福國小 WanFu Elementary School
微景設計 TinyScene
★ 藝術總監 Art Director//李曉雯 Catherine LEE
★ 策展人 Curator//李依樺 LEE I-Hua
★ 地點 Venue//寶藏巖國際藝術村 Treasure Hill Artist Village
★ 展期 Exhibition Dates//2019.3.30(Sat.)-5.5(Sun.)
★ 英文資訊 More Info//https://reurl.cc/EGODR
□□野景開幕派對 Opening Party□□
#寶藏巖光節 X Simple Life簡單生活
■開幕式 Opening■
地點 Venue/綠野地 Picnic Field
3.30(Sat.) 17:30-18:00
■音樂演出 Live Band■
地點 Venue/綠野地 Picnic Field
3.30(Sat.) 18:00-18:40
地點 Venue/綠野地 Picnic Field
3.30(Sat.) 19:20-20:00
||Ti Cemelesai Ata Salasaladj(阿新與他的朋友們)||
地點 Venue/山城廣場
3.30(Sat.) 14:30-15:00
地點 Venue/山城廣場
3.31(Sun.) 17:00-17:30
地點 Venue/綠野地 Picnic Field
3.31(Sun.) 18:00-18:40
巴奈 給孩子們,非核家園
柯智棠 Kowen
五五身 Fiftybodyfifty
■簡單市集 Simple Market■
地點 Venue/寶藏巖國際藝術村 Treasure Hill Artist Village
3.30(Sat.) 13:00-21:00
3.31(Sun.) 13:00-21:00
5.4(Sat.) 13:00-21:00
5.5(Sun.) 13:00-21:00
Simple Life簡單生活
■《痕跡-系列二》 Trace Series II■
☆ 藝術家 Artist/林安琪 Anchi LIN
地點 Venue/邊境71號展間 Frontier Gallery No.71
3/30(Sat.) 16:00-17:00
□□野景-光之大笑漫才 Manzai Stand-up Comedy□□
☆ 演出團隊 Actor/魚蹦興業 Yubon Shin Yeh
地點 Venue/山城排練場(上)Treasure Hill Atelier (Upper)
3.30(Sat.) 15:00 & 19:30
3.31(Sun.) 15:00
4.20(Sat.) 15:00 & 19:30
4.21(Sun.) 15:00
4.27(Sat.) 15:00 & 19:30
4.28(Sun.) 15:00
● 票價 Fee/每場新臺幣650元整(含漫才演出與胭脂特製光節茶點一份),購票請洽年代售票系統:https://ppt.cc/fcIpkx
□□野景食堂 Eat & Talk□□
地點 Venue/涼棚 Close to Treasure Hill Community Grocery Store
Speaking of Taiwanese art scene from the experience of Polymer art space
4.20(Sat.) 13:00-15:00
☆ 食堂主人 Host/黃偉倫 HUANG Wei-Lun (Frank)
空場 Polymer
Reviewing the past and looking forward to the future of Treasure Hill Village
4.20 (Sat.) 16:00-18:00
☆ 食堂主人 Host/李明俐 LEE Ming-Li
☆ 特別嘉賓 Special Guest/詹智雄 CHAN Chih-Hsiung
● 票價 Fee/每場新臺幣200元整(含座談與寶村居民一同製作潤餅享用,購票請洽Accupass 活動通售票系統:http://www.accupass.com/go/eatandtalk
□□野景影展&展覽 Cinema & Exhibition□□
■#寶藏巖光節 X Giloo紀實影音■
地點 Venue/防空洞 Shelter
野景影展/3.30(Sat.) 13:00-21:00
☆ 片單 Movie List/
13:00-14:30 癲狂建築:庫哈斯(湯瑪斯・庫哈斯|2017|72 min|美國)
15:00-16:30 搖搖晃晃的人間(范儉|2017|88 min|中國)
17:00-18:30 再見地下布魯克林(馬修・康柏|2016|83 min|美國)
19:00-20:30 伊勢神宮:山海的千年迴響(宮澤正明|2015|79 min|日本)
□□黃昏市場-微聚加班特賣會 Flea Market□□
地點/寶藏巖國際藝術村 Treasure Hill Artist Village
4.26(Fri.)-4.28(Sun.) 16:30-21:00
☆ 參與單位/寶藏巖微型群聚單位(不歸鹿、胭脂、両天工作室、尖蚪、Yinke、17做作金工工作室⋯等。)
17做作/17 work
■自然群像 The Flocked Scene of Nature■
地點 Venue/歷史斷面 Historical facades
☆ 藝術家 Artists/
張國鎮 CHANG Kuo-Chun
姚仲涵 YAO Chung-Han
王連晟 WANG Lien-Cheng
王新仁 WANG Hsin-Jen
莊志維 CHUANG Chih-Wei
呂兆民 LU Chao-Ming
輕量級//Light Weight
□□展覽理念 Curatorial Statement□□
text / Lee I-Hua
In the 60s, people built their own houses in Gongguan, Taipei in order to survive, and in a time when financial and material resources were lacking, Treasure Hill, a village where people settled in to have their everyday needs met, emerged. Originally, this settlement embodied people’s anticipations for a life lived blissfully, and the landscape that surfaced was wild and primal; it was where life grew organically, and where people worked hard to survive.
The breathtaking wild view at Treasure Hill represents the most realistic, pure, and primal strive for a better life, and because of people’s appreciation for beautiful cultural heritage, vision for a landscape enriched with culture, a sense of care for tenure rights of land and human rights, and trust in fairness and justice, many fervent acts of protest for safekeeping and preservation have taken place here on the Treasure Hill.
Artists have created speckles of light for the 2019 Treasure Hill Light Festival on this fascinating wild landscape, and extending from these glimmers are imaginations that juxtapose with the paradoxes found in modern society's civil and primal qualities. Upon entering into the village, I search in the crowd for a hundred, a thousand times by artist collective Yanyen takes people on a stroll through the village, carefully pointing out the lampposts scattered throughout the settlement and the view unfolding along with each step. With industrial development came bustling city life, with natural views slowly replaced. A full moon is projected by Hsiao Sheng-Chien inside a house on Treasure Hill, and the rather low-tech approach allows the artwork to echo with nature’s singing insects and birds. The artworks by Legacy Lab International and Olga Diego are also prompted by concerns for our natural environment, which have resulted in an artificial landscape with a cascading neon waterfall using plastic objects and items gathered from recyclable waste, and a plastic playground with an inflatable electronic installation with glittering lights. Erected on the Pagoda Plaza is The Wannian Station, a broadcasting system stage modified by Li Cheng-Liang from a spherical water tank. People are invited to climb on top of the artwork, as if they were climbing atop a space station parked on the rooftop, where they could sing or dream and fantasize. Projected on the sheet metal house on the side is Lose Contact-Night, where Kuo I-Chen explores mankind’s estranged relationship. A dialogue is formed with the state of detachment in modern life explored in The Wannian Station by Li, and the air-raid shelter in the back seems to have transformed into a wormhole that leads to a mysterious base in the great cosmos. Real emotions have become more ambiguous with the advent of artificial intelligence. Applying face tracking and on-line game in their creations, Chen Yun-Ju and Kentaro Taki present their interpretations of what is happening in contemporary society with people being abducted by technology.
Situated in Treasure Hill’s innermost section is Iridescent Tree: Fruit Planet by Hsu Tang-Wei. The two peculiar planets in the artwork are primal and full of vitality, as they gaze out and connect with the large transparent tent that Michiyoshi Isozaki has set up at the entrance of the settlement, and inside of one of the houses in the village, Chuang Chih-Heng created traces of light memorizing the life story of local inhabitants. In this vivid and splendid landscape is a surge of life that is entwined with destiny’s ferociousness, as it continues to grow, instinctively. As time and society progress, emotions, concerns, and realities move forward through ironic syncopations. As the primitive and the civil coexist, the meaning of this land is intermingled and shaped, and contained in this rich wild landscape - a land of happiness is the anticipation we hold for life.
★ 指導單位 SUPERVISOR:文化部、臺北市政府
★ 主辦單位ORGANIZER:台北市文化局、台北市文化基金會
★ 策劃執行 EXECUTIVE:寶藏巖國際藝術村
★ 開閉幕聯合策畫 Opening & Closing Events Co-programming:簡單生活
★ 指定贊助 APPOINTED SPONSOR:艾瑪絲、微景設計工作室
★ 贊助單位 SPONSOR:B&G 德國農莊 Tea Bar、西班牙瓦倫西亞社區博物館協會
★ 協力單位 PARTNER:魚蹦興業、giloo紀實影音、實踐大學、實踐大學建築設計學系、國立臺北藝術大學、國立臺北藝術大學新媒體藝術學系、國立臺灣大學、臺大土木工程學系、今藝術、藝術家雜誌社、The Big Issue Taiwan